Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Euro Currency free essay sample

Portrays the financial advances which have just been started toward making a bound together European cash. At that point subtleties the monetary and political occasions of the previous scarcely any months which have obfuscated the Euros future. Presentation As of late there has been expanding theory that the development towards a solitary money in the European Monetary Union (EMU) will be postponed or even deserted (Kamm and Steinmetz, 1997). The reason for this examination will be to initially portray the financial advances which have just been started, both exclusively and on the whole. By the part conditions of the European Union to make a typical cash. The conversation will at that point detail the financial and political occasions of the previous barely any months which have thrown an improving cover over the probability of an Euro-money soon. The introduction will finish up with certain hypotheses on the probabilities for a typical cash in the more extended term just as sum up the intrinsic troubles of monetary administration

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Company Case ESPN Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Organization ESPN - Case Study Example Basically, ESPN’s item is the accessibility of sports information, conversation just as video and sounds of live games, over a wide assortment of stages. At its heart ESPN is a 24-hour link arrange that centers around sports and amusement based substance for TV, anyway the link organize is just one bit of the whole ESPN brand. The brand presently contains in excess of 50 unique organizations. Item astute, the brand comprises of six link channels which are home to numerous significant games, for example, the IndyCar Series and NBA finals, a games radio system, ESPN The Magazine and a site that offers gushing video and sound just as downloadable units throws. ESPN’s enlarged item is its capacity to give exact and modern data and critique pretty much all zones of the games business and its conveyance of this data across various media types 4. ESPN has solid brand value. Its name is quickly connected with sports, and the simple access to data that the brand gives over its a wide range of stages guarantees wide acknowledgment from purchasers. There is a solid connection between the brand value of ESPN and its image esteem. The estimation of its image can be seen by enormous number of items and media that ESPN is available on, the proceeded with development of the organization and its life span. The link organize alone gains near double the sum per endorser every month than the following most beneficial system, Fox Sports ($2.91 and $1.67 separately). Advantages: This affiliation has brought about the securing of numerous new watchers and enabled the system to have key games, and sorts of games that they didn't already approach. Potential dangers: ESPN has little command over the nature of the product that is delivered, and any negative reactions to the cobranded

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Troubled Teens Acting Out Examples and Solutions

Troubled Teens Acting Out Examples and Solutions Theories Behavioral Psychology Print Why Troubled Teens Use Bad Behavior to Cover up Pain By Kathryn Rudlin, LCSW Updated on September 25, 2019 pixelfit/Getty Images More in Theories Behavioral Psychology Cognitive Psychology Developmental Psychology Personality Psychology Social Psychology Biological Psychology Psychosocial Psychology Acting out, or rebellious behavior is a pattern of exhibiting inappropriate behavior to cover up deeper feelings or issues including fear, pain, or loneliness. Teens are well known for demonstrating how they feel through their misbehavior rather than through talking about it straightforwardly. Originally the term acting out was used by Freud to describe certain behaviors that occur during the process of psychotherapy. The term is now used casually by mental health professionals to describe this tendency in teens to express unhappiness through their actions. Acting out and Working Through Difficult Feelings Most teens do not understand this is what they are doing. Instead of letting people see them vulnerable and opening up about whats bothering them, troubled teens choose the isolation and singling out that acting out behaviors causes. A primary goal of treatment is helping them understand the connections between how they feel and how they act, and allowing them to practice expressing themselves instead of acting out. By giving a teen an outlet, outside of the spotlight to express him or herself, you are offering them the time they need to work through feelings they may have never examined before. As they rehearse the feelings and what may have caused them, keep an open mind and allow them to speak, even if the feelings dont make sense or connect well with the actions of others. To help teens who are acting out, give them an outlet to express themselves. The goal is to allow them to look inside of themselves instead of redirecting pain towards others. Example John, age 16, is being defiant to his teachers. When asked to do something he responds in a sarcastic manner, often cussing at the teacher. John has been acting this way ever since a girl he cared for deeply broke up with him to date another guy. On the inside, he feels rejected and insecure about himself. On the outside, he acts tough and pretends he doesnt care what happens to him in an effort to shield himself from being hurt more. John isnt aware that his distress about this breakup is the reason for his acting out behavior at school.   What to Do About Acting Out While acting out can often be connected to the issues a teen is struggling with, nothing in their lives changes until a teen begins to deal with the reasons behind the behavior. When parents see a teen acting out, this is a strong warning sign the teen is hurting and needs help to effectively express their pain and deal with what is truly troubling them. If your teen or their friends have been acting out, try to sit them down in a neutral setting to get to the root of what may be upsetting them. You may learn that they have some healing to do. Why not be that voice of reason they need to get past negative thoughts about themselves or past hurts.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Consecuencias migratorias de manejar ebrio DUI o DWI

La conduccià ³n bajo la influencia del alcohol, conocido en inglà ©s tanto por las siglas de DUI o DWI, puede tener efectos migratorios serios. Antes de especificar cuà ¡les son las consecuencias que puede haber para los migrantes conviene saber las reglas generales que aplican a todos los conductores: ciudadanos, migrantes o turistas. Pero,  ¿quà © se considera manejar bajo la influencia del alcohol y cuà ¡les son sus consecuencias? Las leyes que regulan quà © es manejar bebido y sus consecuencias varà ­an entre cada estado, pero en algunos llega a considerarse que ya se incumple la ley con niveles de 0.05 por ciento de alcohol en sangre. En todo caso, hay que conocer la normativa estatal del lugar en la que se produce el accidente. Asimismo, la policà ­a està ¡ autorizada a arrestar si personas sospechosas de haber bebido fallan los test que se conocen como de sobriedad. Ademà ¡s, en Estados Unidos rige el principio de que si un conductor del que se sospecha que ha bebido se niega a que le hagan un test de sangre, entonces se le considera culpable de DUI. Y aunque las penas generales (excluyendo las migratorias) son diferentes de estado a estado lo cierto es que pueden ser serias, desde multas por una cantidad elevada a incautacià ³n del auto y/o las placas e, incluso, tiempo de prisià ³n, aà ºn cuando no se hubiera provocado un accidente. Y en muchos estaos o condados dentro de estados aplican las leyes de cierre o trabar, lo que en inglà ©s se conoce como interlock laws. Esto es, se puede obligar a un chofer a tener en su auto un sistema en el que tiene que soplar cada vez que quiere manejar. Pero si el aparato detecta niveles de alcohol, el motor se bloquea y no arranca. En todo caso, los castigos suelen variar en dureza segà ºn se trate de la primera vez o sea ya una conducta repetida. Por à ºltimo, tener en cuenta que en muchos estados es ilegal los pasajeros de un auto beber alcohol o incluso simplemente viajar con un recipiente de alcohol abierto. Por ejemplo: Alabama, Arizona, California, Carolina del Norte, Carolina del Sur, Colorado, Dakota del Norte, Dakota del Sur, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, Nuevo Hampshire, Nueva York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin y Wyoming. Y tambià ©n Washington D.F. Sin embargo tener en cuenta que muchos de esos estados tienen excepciones para situaciones como llevar una botella de vino abierta desde el restaurante a casa.  ¿Y cuà ¡les son las consecuencias especà ­ficamente migratorias de un DUI? Cuando se aplica por distintos beneficios migratorios, como es en el caso especà ­fico de obtener la tarjeta de residencia (green card) se pregunta especà ­ficamente en el formulario si se ha sido arrestado, acusado, condenado, multado o enviado a prisià ³n por violacià ³n de cualquier ley u ordenanza, excluyendo las violaciones de trà ¡fico. Entonces,  ¿los casos de DUI se deben reportar en ese momento? La respuesta es sà ­. Ya que las violaciones de trà ¡fico que no se deben reportar son las multas  (tickets) de trà ¡nsito. Por el contrario los casos de conduccià ³n bajo la influencia del alcohol y tambià ©n los de conduccià ³n temeraria (reckless driving) sà ­ deben ser reportados. Ademà ¡s, los casos de manejo temerario pueden, por sà ­ mismos, ser causa suficiente para que se rechace la peticià ³n de la green card por ser considerado un caso de delito inmoral (moral turpitude, en inglà ©s). En caso de duda, consultar con un abogado de inmigracià ³n ya que mentir en un formulario migratorio tiene consecuencias muy serias. Y la mentira va a descubrirse al tomar las huellas digitales. Y una mentira de este tipo es suficiente para que la peticià ³n de la green card sea rechazada.  ¿Significa entonces que no se puede obtener la green card si se tiene un problema de DUI? No necesariamente. Hay que reportar todos los casos de DIU y sà ³lo surgen problemas en los casos de condenas (convictions). Segà ºn la definicià ³n de las leyes federales (que son las que importan en este caso,) ha una condena cuando una Corte ha dictado una condena condenatoria imponiendo una condena de alguna clase. O bien haberse declarado culpable (plea of guilty en inglà ©s)  o las situaciones de nolo contendere, es decir, que no ha habido ni declaracià ³n. Incluso en los casos de condenas puede que eso no sea un obstà ¡culo para conseguir la green card. En estos supuestos se van a mirar mucho las circunstancias. Por ejemplo, se considera que es mà ¡s grave si al mismo tiempo que se manejaba bebido se conducà ­a con peligrosidad, si se lleva a un menor en el auto, si tambià ©n se han consumido drogas, etc. Lo mejor en todos los casos de condenas por DUI es hablar con un abogado de inmigracià ³n para saber quà © opciones hay y cà ³mo plantear el caso. Aunque para defenderse de la acusacià ³n puede ser recomendable consultar y asesorarse con un abogado especialista expresamente en conduccià ³n bajo influencia del alcohol. A tener en cuenta. El caso de las drogas y otros problemas En la mayorà ­a de los casos las situaciones de DUI suponen que se ha consumido alcohol, pero puede ser que en el problema se produzca por consumo de drogas. Esto es un tema mucho mà ¡s delicado ya que es lo que se conoce como una de las causas de inadmisibiliad, esto es, de rechazo de la peticià ³n de green card. Incluso la posesià ³n de marihuana puede ocasionar problemas muy serios. En estos casos es imprescindible asesorarse con un abogado antes de enviarle los papeles al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s).   Tambià ©n es conveniente antes de iniciar cualquier trà ¡mite migratorio saber si se tiene una orden de deportacià ³n dictada en contra. En particular hay que verificarlo si se recibià ³ una notificacià ³n para presentarse ante una corte migratoria y se ignorà ³ tal peticià ³n. Asimismo, es realmente aconsejable verificar si se tiene una orden de arresto o detencià ³n dictada en contra. Hay que recordar que las leyes de Estados Unidos son, en algunos casos muy diferentes a las de nuestros paà ­ses e, incluso, lo son de estado a estado. Y lo que en un sitio es nada, en otro es una falta o incluso un delito.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Eight Great Gift Ideas for Your Francophile Friends

What gifts could you give to your Francophile or France loving friends? Nowadays, with e-commerce, sending the right gift to the right person is so much easier. Yet, there are so many choices out there. Here is my top eight list: 1 – A Book about France Check out your local Amazon store, there are plenty of beautiful books about France.  First, select the â€Å"book† category. Then, you have a lot of choices. To narrow down the searches, look at the options on your left (you may need to press â€Å"see more†). Select: - â€Å"Art and photography† for beautiful books. I love The Louvre - all the paintings, The Best loved villages of France, and Spectacular Paris.- â€Å"Travel guides† to prepare a trip.- â€Å"Cookbook, food and wine also make a great idea. My husband is a great cook, and his favorite is Mastering the Art of French Cooking - You cannot go wrong with Julia Child! And My Paris Kitchen - Olivier often picks up David Lebovitzs book for inspiration, and all his recipes always turn out perfect - we highly recommend it.- â€Å"Comic book† – what about a French edition of the world-famous â€Å"Tintin† or â€Å"Astà ©rix†?   Then, you can have your book shipped wherever you like, and even have it gift-wrapped. How practical! 2 – A French CD/MP3 or DVD French music is so readily available, both in stores and on the web. Of course you have the classics: Brel, Aznavour, Piaf... but there are many young talents out there: you may have heard of â€Å"Stromae† but he is not the only one (check out â€Å"Zaz†, â€Å"M Pocora† â€Å"Tal†, â€Å"Bà ©nabar†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦) : Check out my Pinterest board â€Å"Les VIP du PAF (Screen and Audio French VIPs) for inspiration, pictures, and videos of who’s hot in France right now. For movies in French, check out Amazon Canada – you’ll pay a bit more for shipping but will have a much larger selection and you are still in the appropriate DVD zone for the US.​ Note: Unfortunately, DVDs are ‘region locked’ and so a DVD meant for the European market will not play on a standard US/CAN DVD player. If this is a DVD for a US/Canadian based friend, make sure it’s â€Å"Region 1† (or that they have a hacked and unlocked DVD player). 3 – A French Audiobook What about learning some French? There are a ton of resources out there, including pricey French learning software (If you are going this way, I recommend Fluenz) and old-fashion dictionaries. You will, of course, find plenty of textbooks on Amazon, but if you ask me, students of French absolutely need an audio support. Audiobooks are convenient; your friend can download them to their smart phone and use them on the go, during workouts or commuting time. If your friends are French or speak French fluently, check out Audible for their selection of audio novels in French. And if your friends are still learning French, then pick a  level appropriate French audio novel or French learning method  on my site, FrenchToday.com. 4 – French Gourmet Food Still on Amazon, check the category â€Å"grocery and gourmet food† and type â€Å"France† or anything special you would be looking for. There is a gift there for any budget. You can also go to your local fine grocery store, and once you look carefully, you’ll be surprised at the number of French food items.   â€Å"Fleur de sel de Guà ©rande† makes a great gift for foodies (this is actually the one Olivier loves), but there are also many French mustards (I love the brand â€Å"Maille†) and spices, cookies, and chocolate. 5 – French Wine Tasting You don’t need to be in France to taste French wines. If you live in a large city, chances are that your local wine store organizes wine tastings. Pay them a visit and ask them if and when they plan on having a French wine tasting. You could even ask them if they could organize one for you and your Francophile friends. Stores are usually very happy to do so and it would be a fun moment, and a personalized gift for your friend. 6– French Perfume and Make-Up Chanel, Dior, Lancà ´me... We dream about these brands but only few people can treat themselves to this kind of luxury. However, many of these brands do have a cosmetic department, and a Dior Lipstick for example is a gift that will most likely impress any lady. You can find them online or in any large department store. 7 – Coupon for a French Restaurant Ok, this one may be a bit on the expensive side. But it’s fun. And if your friends often go to their favorite French restaurant, you can call that restaurant and ask to buy a bottle of wine for the next time your friends go there.   8– French Magazine Subscription There are many French magazines out there, and with Amazon.com, you can get a subscription to a magazine in French right to your door: Vogue, Cuisine et vins de France, Marie-Claire Maison, Photo, Voici or Gala,  they make wonderful gifts because every month, your friend will be reminded of your thoughtful gift. Je mets tous les jours des mini-leà §ons gratuites sur Facebook, Twitter et Pinterest - venez m’y rejoindre! I also wrote many articles about Christmas in France:- 7 Must Know Noà «l Traditions- Christmas in France Dialogue - French English Bilingual Easy Story- Meet the French Santa - French English Bilingual Easy Story-8 Gift Ideas for Your Francophile Friends- Petit Papa Noà «l - The Most Famous French Christmas Song (with a link to a video of my daughter singing it!)-  My enunciated recording of the Catholic mass prayers in French Joyeuses fà ªtes de fin dannà ©e! Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Business Economics †Regression Analysis Free Essays

Effect of Ratio Profitability: Return on Asset (ROA) and Return of Equity (ROE) to Stock Price of PT Bank Central Asia (BCA) Tbk. Ratio profitability, Return on Asset (ROA) and Return of Equity (ROE), of a firm is used as one of parameters for investor to decide whether they want to invest or not. The following table consists of ROA and ROE as well as the stock price of PT Bank Central Asia (BCA) Tbk. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Economics – Regression Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now , as one of the largest bank in Indonesia, from year of 2002 up to 2011. Table 1. ROA, ROE and stock price of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. tahun 2002-2011 Year| Stock Price(Y)| ROA(X2)| ROE(X2)| 2002| 2500| 2. 17| 22. 08| 003| 3325| 2. 36| 24. 87| 2004| 2975| 3. 04| 32. 52| 2005| 3400| 3. 41| 32. 33| 2006| 5200| 3. 43| 33. 58| 2007| 7300| 1. 68| 16. 47| 2008| 5778| 3. 14| 33. 16| 2009| 5645| 3. 17| 32. 11| 2010| 4284| 3. 28| 31. 23| 2011| 3674| 2. 65| 24. 16| Using regression analysis we want to determine the relationship between ROA, ROE and stock price of PT BCA Tbk. In this case, ROA and ROE are the independent or explanatory variable (X), while stock price is the dependent variable that we want to explain (Y). Regression Analysis SUMMARY OUTPUT| | | Regression Statistics| Multiple R| 0. 13028475| R Square| 0. 016974116| Adjusted R Square| -0. 63890422| Standard Error| 1710. 529517| Observations| 10| ANOVA| | | | | | | df| SS| MS| F| Significance F| Regression| 2| 353656. 3| 176828. 15| 0. 060435241| 0. 941840446| Residual| 7| 20481378. 6| 2925911. 229| | | Total| 9| 20835034. 9| | | | | Coefficients| Standard Error| t Stat| P-value| Lower 95%| Upper 95%| Lower 95. 0%| Upper 95. 0%| Intercept| 5361. 609293| 2796. 526605| 1. 917238793| 0. 096721961| -1251. 125335| 11974. 34392| -1251. 125335| 11974. 34392| X Variable 1| -142. 3275587| 3749. 125063| -0. 037962873| 0. 970777259| -9007. 599603| 8722. 944486| -9007. 599603| 8722. 944486| X Variable 2| -19. 7879081| 375. 1702777| -0. 051919867| 0. 960043105| -906. 6155278| 867. 6579462| -906. 6155278| 867. 6579462| From the summary output we can estimate the linear relationship between the stock price (Y) and ROA (X1), ROE (X2) in the form of equation below: Y= 5361. 6092 – 142. 3275 X1 – 19. 4788 X2 The result indicates that for each 1% decrease in ROA and ROE; the stock price decrease by IDR142. 3275 (the estimated coefficient of X1) and IDR19. 4788 (the estimated coefficient of X2) also, respectivel y. To understand how significant the independent variable can explain the dependent variable, we can observe from t-stat data. The critical value of t at the 0. 05 level of significance is 2. 365 (from table of the t distribution). The analysis result show that t-stat value below the critical value of t = 2. 365. It means that at the 5% level of significance, we accept there is no significant relationship between ROA, ROE and stock price. We need more variable better than just ROA and ROE to picture the movement of price stock. The two variables, ROA and ROE, are not enough to explain the stock price of PT BCA Tbk. Now, we want to see how good is the model or how much the explanatory power of the model by looking at R2 data. R2 measures how much of the variation in the firm’s stock price is explained by the variation in its ROA and ROE. The analysis result shows that the value of R2 is 0. 016974116, extreme to 1. It means that none of the variation in stock price was explained by the variation in ROA and ROE. In conclusion, looking at the value of t-stat and R2, variable ROA and ROE is not enough to explain the movement of stock price PT BCA Tbk. We need to add more variables to get more description how the stock price change and how significant and sensitive the variables impact to stock price. How to cite Business Economics – Regression Analysis, Essay examples

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Improved Mental Health Vision Policy for Healthcare- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theImproved Mental Health Vision Policy for Healthcare. Answer: Introduction Mental health problem and substance abuse has been on the rise in New Zealand with the majority affected being the Maori. Every one in three Maoris is suffering mental illness or substance abuse. The new policy, however, is trying to bridge the gaps to make sure that healthcare facility for the mentally ill and the addicts have equal access to better health facilities that cater for their needs. This group of people makes up part of the New Zealanders and their health is as important as any other citizen. Lack of better health care for the Maori has led to the rise in mortality rate among youths and adults among those who are having mental illness and addiction problem because of the resentment, harassment, and rejection by the community (Dawson, Gledhill, New Zealand Law Foundation2013). The Maori are spread all over New Zealand and the socio-economic status is among the contributing factors of mental illness and addiction with the majority being women. Most of these minority group s have very little or no health care services at their disposal, therefore making it hard for them to have better health care that could provide the required services (Koehlmoos, Anwar, Cravioto, 2011). The introduction of the new proposed policy is to ensure that those gaps that were left in the previous policy are all covered and it also aims at providing better health care services to the New Zealanders, with improved facilities and better treatment of those individuals who are affected. The groups such as the Maori have been considered as important in the new policy and there are a lot of measurements that are put in place for the purpose of better recovery and treatment at an early stage of addiction and mental illness. It is the responsibility of the government to take care of its citizen by implementing strategic policies that will advocate for the rights of all citizens regardless of whom they are and where they come from (Mirzaei, et al, 2013). Weaknesses of the mental health policy 2005-2015 However much the government has tried its best to put in place various healthcare facilities and introduced new programs to help people with mental disorder and addiction problem there are some limitations or rather weaknesses that have been experienced by the service users, the health care practitioners and the community at large. The government needs to put in place action plans that create awareness to the entire community especially the minority groups like the M?ori to enable them understand that mental illness and addiction are conditions like any other illness and those affected should be treated with compassion and a lot of care and not to be discriminated against because that could lead to suicide. The compulsory treatment for those with mental illness and addiction has a lot of repercussions on the service users first because once identified to be under compulsory treatment there is underrepresentation, there is no access to legal aid for those who are under compulsory trea tments and also they are secluded with the healthcare givers especially in psychiatric units. This is a violation of the human rights because everyone should have equal access to health care. There are other services that are not available for specific treatment, this has led to most people who are severely mentally ill not getting the right treatment for their conditions hence no quick recovery. The government has concentrated a lot on the adults and mental illness and neglected the children with mental illness; there are fewer facilities for children with mental illness and addiction problems and also facilities for taking care of children whose parents are in the addiction or mental illness facilities (Thornicroft, 2011). Cultural competence is an issue due to lack of trained medics within New Zealand and its communities, it is noticeable that majorities of caregivers are from overseas and this increases the gap of cultural competence in health care services for people with mental illness and addiction problem, but with the most effect on the minority groups like the M?ori. The government has not yet established the major reasons as to why the M?ori community who adds up 16% of the New Zealand population has the highest number of mental illness and addiction problems. The high rate of mental illness and addiction within this community is overwhelming and the government nee ds to look for a remedy so as to reduce the level of mortality rates caused by suicide (Elder, Evans, Nizette, 2013). Health care practitioners, on the other hand, lack enough knowledge and skills on how to take care of M?ori patients, this leads to misunderstanding and poor treatment and prescription and in the long run recovery tends to be too slow or even no change (Minas, Lewis, 2017). The community-based services are supposed to have a better approach and attitudes to the service user but instead, some of the mental staff still have the institutional attitude and do not support the community attitude and in return, many people with mental illness living in the community but they do not participate fully in the community life (Komaric, Bedford, van Driel, 2012). The NGOs who are also major stakeholders have increased the number of mental health facilities that provide health care services for people with mental illness and addiction problems especially in the remote areas however their rate of spending has gone up hence using a lot of funds that are not necessary. The limitations or rather wea knesses have led to a gradual growth in health care system for those with mental illness and addiction problems (Piat, Sabetti, 2009). Changes to be made However there are various issues of concern that need changes, the first one is the legislation law that advocates for compulsory treatment for patients with the severe mental illness. A patient has a right to consent; the decisions should be made individually and not collectively, even if it is for the person's benefit (McMurray, Clendon, 2011). Human rights and dignity should be respected even if the individual has no sound mind due impairment from a chronic illness (McGregor, Wilson, Bell, 2016). The leadership within the healthcare facilities should not only be top-down kind of leadership but instead, it should be spread down to the other staff to enable effective workflow with each person involved taking responsibility and this will increase better service delivery in all health care services (Duncan,2016). The system should be whole thinking and collaborative to enhance productivity within the healthcare system (Thornicroft et al, 2011). The service level monitoring should no t only focus on the inputs than the outcome. The service monitoring should also include the outcome results to see what needs to be put in place and to identify gaps that need immediate attention and even long-term amendment. But most importantly it should focus on those who are suffering from mental illness and addiction to see their progress (Walker, Bryant, 2013). The government should change the ways of funding from a population-based to need-based of different communities because funding based on population does not respond to everyones need. There are those who are marginalized and have a smaller population yet they have the most need compared to those whose population are high (McGeorge, 2012). The shift on funding system will eliminate some of the problems associated with health care. The government should not just fund any project that they think is related to mental health care and addiction, but instead should monitor the organization closely and be convinced that the funds that they are being given are used according to the government expects and it should be used specifically for projects that support the mentally ill patients and addicts and nothing else. The mental health policy has laws that protect the rights of humanity and their dignity, there are a number of individuals with mental illness and addiction problems that experienc e harassment and abuse at the service centers and they are not able to protect themselves because they are vulnerable, the government should instead impose tough laws to care providers who are involved in harassing and abusing individuals with mental illness and addiction problems (Goudreau, Smolenski, 2013). Proposed Policy The mental health policy 2005-2015 has played a major role in changing the mental health care system from institutional to community-based; this has increasingly helped different communities to access credible health care services. However, it contains key weaknesses highlighted above which forms the basis for the new submission. The new proposed policy Mental Health Policy vision 2030 is a government-oriented project with the main aim of improving the healthcare sector for the mentally ill and those with addiction problems, for the purpose of having an environment with controlled mental illness and addiction problems. The policy requires the government to uphold its efforts and put in more funding to projects that are identified as relevant to improving the condition of mentally ill patients and addicts. This policy states that the government should retain strict measures on the health care providers to maintain the responsibility of providing better health care to the diverse communities in New Zealand. Primary health care is a necessity and its function and membership should remain the same because all the citizens have the equal rights to primary health care services (Crooks, Andrews, 2009). Acknowledgment of diversity by this new policy is equally important and its part of the strategies because it will lead to improved health care services to the minority groups like the M?ori. The integration of mental health strategies is important as well because it directs the focus to all the citizens of New Zealand and includes those with mental health problem, those with disabilities and those from minority groups who are largely affected like the M?ori. Focus on the New Submission The government has shown a tremendous change right from the first time it implemented the first policy in 1994 known as Looking forward. This policy was put in place in order to take care of people with mental health problems. This policy emphasized on providing more services for the people and this policy showed the governments commitment to providing community-based services to the people of New Zealand. Three years later the government identified some loopholes within the first implemented policy and renamed the policy Moving forward with the aim of provision of better services to all New Zealanders regardless of their cultural background. In the year 1998 the introduction of Blueprint was to put moving forward policy into action by providing detailed service development for the purpose of better health care service delivery for people with mental health problems. With the introduction of this new proposed policy, it is important that it covers the gaps that have been left with the Mental Health Policy 2005-2015. This new policy has shifted its focus to the community level and especially to an individual level, the change in focus is to make sure that those who are affected and together with their families are taken good care of. This new policy is established to make sure that individuals who are suffering from addiction and mental illness are taken good care of right from the time they access the facilities to the time they are released or rather leave the facilities. The new proposed policy is looking into creating a better individual who is able to take care of themselves when they live the facilities; the policy is focused on introducing or rather creating jobs from those who are recovering from mental illness so that they can find something to keep them busy and to avoid staying idle after recovery. The policy also is interested in creat ing a conducive environment for those who are recovering from mental illness and addiction so as to avoid discrimination and seclusion from the community. The introduction of tough laws on the individuals who are abusive and harassing the mentally ill individuals and those with addiction problems. The policy is more concerned about introducing a measurable achievement in the healthcare sector for those with mental problems that will give guidance to improving health care services for those with mental health problems. There are many achievements and challenges that the policy is aimed at doing to help to put in better strategies to facilitate better service delivery to the New Zealanders. The effort of the government has been experienced in many communities within New Zealand and this has led to more non-governmental organizations putting their heads together with the government to have improved facilities that cater for the various needs of people with mental health problems. This policy looks way beyond just the ten-year plan; it has a lot of promises and expectations by the end of the ten-year policy that will benefit those with mental and addiction problems, their families, friends and the entire community which support those with mental illness and addiction. The policy is inclusive and it involves everyone and believes that all New Zealanders have equal opportunity despite their cultural background and disabilities. This policy advocate for better primary health care for everyone and its importance and advanced health care services for the mentally ill and those who are addicted to a substance. Everyone is responsible for making the society a better and comfortable place for those with mental problems and addiction and thats why the policy has put in place the judicial system that protects those who are having a mental illness, addiction and any other disabilities. The policy is relying on the government for supporting the proposed changes and wants those who experience mental illness and addiction to experience service that is trusted, services that are focused on better recover services and those that allow the affected to be able to participate on their own in their journey to recovery. This policy also acknowledges the diversity; New Zealand has the Maori, Pacific people, Asians, and the ethnic communities which involve the migrants and refugees (Figley, Huggard, Rees, 2013). And it has established new policies that are inclusive, policies that recognize all new Zealanders and gives everyone the right to access primary health care services from whatever place that is accessible. This policy has regulated the services provided in both governmental and non-governmental sectors making it possible for anyone with mental illness and addiction to access any health care service for quality treatment of specific mental health and addiction problems. Building on the past success has majorly helped in the implementation of the new mental health policy; it is the stepping stone for the new expectations and better quality services that are put in place for those who have mental illness and addiction problems (McCloughen, Gillies, O'brien, 2011). Formulation of the New Submission This policy was formulated after the looking forward, moving forward and blueprint that was implemented years ago and showed a great improvement in mental health care. The government saw it worth making the health care services even much better and by that the government was looking at what was left out in the first policy and the challenges that were faced (Renouf, Tullgren, 2010). This policy is introduced to bring together both the government and non-governmental stakeholders to work under one policy that provides guidelines that enable equality and access to mental health facilities across the board. The government established 21 District Health Boards (DHBs) whose responsibilities are to fund the needs of those mental health communities and plan on how to address their issues and service delivery. The new policy is going to use the DBHs as the center of resources to make sure that they are providing the funding required for projects that are oriented to providing services to the mentally ill and those with addiction problems. Primary Health Organizations (PHOs) are responsible for providing primary health care services to their enrolled populations and their projects are funded by DHB. By using the identified gaps in the Mental Health Policy 2005-2015, the introduced new mental health policy with the major aims of providing equal measures to easy access to government health and addiction services is more directed to ensuring better health care to the citizens New Zealand. The policy also aims at giving the mental health service providers a general sense of their job descriptions and their importance to those with mental health problems and addiction at the health care centers (Volkow, Koob, 2015). The policy seconds the governments efforts on the ongoing investments and fundi ng services that are required to enhance the better outcome of the projects and developing advanced innovative and accountable funding environment. The vision 2030 policy is an all-round and inclusive, it is a process and a long-term project that is to run to the year 2030 with the intentions of curbing problems that are encountered by the mental illness and addict individuals both at an early stage and after recovery. If the project is well implemented it is beyond a reasonable doubt that the ultimate goal of having an effective system and facilities that take care of those who are mentally ill and those with addiction problems and an exclusive environment that is friendly and one that is accommodative. Advantages of the new submission The new mental health policy Vision 2030 is expected to bring in tremendous change in New Zealand in the provision of better health care for those who have mental problems and suffer addiction. The healthcare service has been broadening not only to take care of those with mental health problems and addictions but also introduced health care strategies for the Maori, the disabled and primary public health access to all citizens (Rugkasa, 2016). There is a sensitization of some health strategies that were introduced in mental health policy 2005-2015 because the strategies are beneficial to the communities. The strategies include; New Zealand Health Strategy in, the New Zealand Disability Health Strategy, Primary Health Care Strategy and He Korowai Oranga: the Maori Health Strategy. These strategies are going to be implemented with an end term result of achievement of the 2030 mission because the strategies cover up the interest of all citizens across the board. The policy will enhance a continued growth of the healthcare workforce commitment to promoting diversity and cultural competency in meeting the needs of different individuals and must be evidence-based. The introduced strategies within the policy will lead to increase in health care facilities at the doorstep of those who are in need, to make sure that everyones need is cared for at their comfort. There is a development of a recovery philosophy that will direct services for people and recognizes that those who are using the services take the lead role to their own recovery in order to have personal confidence and a valued place in their communities (Pairman, 2015). The new policy involves families, friends, and the community in taking responsibility to make sure that those who have mental illness and addiction problems are well taken care of and that they access health care services to enable their quick recovery. The new Health Care Policy Vision 2030 is an all-around improvement of health care services across all diversity that has a focus in enhancing the performance of state services (New Zealand official yearbook 2010). The Maori people have been identified as the most affected community as compared to all other communities and the policy is interested in putting in place various mental health infrastructures that cater to their needs and aims to improve healthcare services by the year 2030 as this is a continuous process. The new policy is more concerned about the Maori and other marginalized groups and the state sector, wider community services working together to ensure that primary health care is a right for all citizens (Allen, Balfour, Bell, Marmot, 2014) by improving Socio-economic factor that is the major contributor to poor health care and treatment among the marginalized groups. This submission is aimed at making health care easily accessible especially to the Maori and other marginalized communities like the migrants and the refugees, by introducing Telepsychiatry that will increase internet use in the remote areas and enable individuals and families of those who are having mental illness and addiction problems to self-manage themselves. The new policy is looking forward to increasing international professional recruits from diverse backgrounds to work in various areas of expertise in assisting those with mental illness and addiction problems from minority groups. This in return will enhanc e cultural competence and better health care (Muir-Cochrane, Barkway, Nizette, 2010). There are acts that the policy has put in place to protect and to govern the individuals who have mental illness and addiction problems, to protect them against discrimination and abuse by any persons. Key stakeholders The major stakeholders include the policymakers, whose responsibility is to provide a framework through which health care services are equally given to the countrys citizens. Through the policymakers, one is able to know who is eligible to get care, where, how and who provides the care services among other things. The second stakeholders are the patients, and everyone at one point or another was and can be a patient. A patient must be a citizen, a voter or sometimes a taxpayer. Patients get services from the service providers. The third stakeholders are providers; they are responsible for providing health care based on the policies that are implemented by the policymakers. The providers coordinate with caregivers to provide health care services to the patients (Brady, 2013). The fourth key stakeholders are the payor, this involves insurance companies, health maintenance organizations, and care service contractors among others. All the stakeholders have a responsibility and a part to play in making sure that health care services offer quality services to all persons (Thurber et al, 2013). Through the government, better laws that are goal oriented can be proposed and passed for better service delivery. The patients as stakeholders have the responsibility of raising concern where necessary and demanding for better health care services within their areas. Payors, for example, the insurance companies should come up with better affordable packages that are disintegrated in all social classes and are inclusive to all persons regardless of their cultural background. The care providers should give quality health care to all care users who visit the care facilities and take charge and responsibility of making sure that they want a better outcome. Feasibility of proposed changes The proposed changes in the previous mental health policy are of importance if implemented in the new policy for the benefit of the service user and accountability of that care provider and the government. Making compulsory treatment to people suffering from mental illness should not be encouraged because we are all entitled to be treated with dignity and our rights must be respected and forcing persons with severe mental illness and addiction to have compulsory treatment is not fair (Morgan, Guthrie, 2015). However, the law is regulated in the new mental health policy Vision 2030; it gives the individuals with mental illness and addiction problems an equal right to make some decisions though not all depending on their conditions. Integration of leadership within the healthcare facilities is the best way to make sure that every health caregiver is taking charge and responsibility of their areas of expertise and the care users. The new policy is using an integration form of leadership to make sure that everyone involved in providing care is equally responsible for their actions because they are their own boss, this kind of management at the health care facilities will increase better health care services (McIntosh, Mulholland, 2011). Service monitoring is vital for any goal to be achieved, the new policy is dedicated to putting in place measures that help in monitoring the outcome of the implemented policies because this will help the policy stay on track in identifying the loopholes and looking for alternatives or solutions to deal with particular issues that may arise for the effectiveness and success of the implemented policies. Funding based on population is not really effective in maintaining better and easily accessible health care services to those who are having mental illness and addiction especially from the M?ori who are the most affected (Gaebel, Ro?ssler, Sartorius, 2017). The vision 2030 policy is aimed at implementing funding strategies to be equally distributed depending on the demographic populations rate of mental health problems, those areas with high mental illness and addiction problems get the most funding for the purpose of increasing infrastructures and facilities required to cut down the number of new addictions and mental illness and to control the high rates. Funding for projects that are intended to help in improving their health and mental wellness is vital in achieving the vision 2030 which is looking at a mental illness and addiction free society. It is sometimes difficult to differentiate a genuine project from a fake project and the government spends a lot of funds on the project that is associated with mental health and addiction problems as stipulated in the mental health policy 2005-2015. The government sometimes ends up funding projects that cannot be tracked or associated with its intended goal and the government end up losing money that could be used in improving health care in another project. However, this policy is taking the responsibility of establishing a process through which project funding is issued. Implementation of such laws will help the government to keep track of all state funding (World Health Organization 2014). This policy gives the government the priority of being responsible to make changes that can positively affect the outcome of the mental health policy in place. Conclusion Mental health care and addiction among the M?ori group are high compared to other groups or community within the New Zealand. The new policy looks up to the government to take up the responsibility of training nurses, psychiatrists, clinicians on cultural diversity for the purpose of meeting the needs of the culturally diverse community. This policy encourages competency among health care providers, and it is responsible for making sure that the employed caregivers are competent enough in dealing with individuals from the minority groups and understanding their personal needs besides their medical condition. The new mental health policy has brought on board the needs of all citizens and is aimed at providing better health care for all persons despite their cultural or ethnic differences (Figley, Huggard, Rees, 2013). The recognition of M?ori community and the disabled individuals is a big step for the entire health facilities to embrace inclusion and diversity. The vision 2030 policy is to succeed the mental health policy 2005-2015 for the need of achieving the goals and objectives that were not met by mental health policy 2005-2015 so that the government can reach up to everyone by providing primary health care services as a right to all New Zealand citizens (Compton, Shim, American Psychiatric Publishing 2015). 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